Overflowing bucket

Is Your Bucket Overflowing?

September 25, 20242 min read

Is Your Bucket About to Overflow?

Does it ever feel like you're carrying just one too many things? Whether it's an extra practice, another meeting, or even a simple visit from a friend, it’s like your mental/emotional/physical bucket is about to overflow?

You’re not alone.

Feeling overwhelmed is easy when demands from work, family, and friends keep piling up all day. Even the things we enjoy—a night out, cooking dinner, or finishing that great book—can sometimes feel like just one more thing on the never-ending to-do list.

Next week, we'll dive into how to confidently say "no" but today, let’s focus on emptying that bucket.

Imagine if there was a little spigot at the bottom of your bucket, one you could turn to let some water out throughout the day. By doing that, your bucket stays manageable, and you won’t risk overflowing.

And here’s the best part—it’s simple and it takes just one minute.

That’s right, just one minute to help keep your bucket from overflowing. You could do this five times a day, and it would still only take five minutes.

You’re worth five minutes, aren’t you?

Here’s how to do it:

The 3-2-1 Method

  1. Take 3 breaths – They don’t need to be anything special though you may enjoy taking 3 deep breaths.

  2. Place your 2 hands on opposite shoulders, creating a comforting, grounding sensation.

  3. Focus on your breath for 1 minute – Your mind may wander, and that’s okay. Gently bring your attention back to your breathing.

After that minute, take one deep breath in and out. This final breath will anchor that calm feeling, so whenever you take a deep breath, you’ll tap into that same sense of peace.

Here’s a quick video to guide you through it: https://vimeo.com/659786603.

It’s as simple as that.

Now, no one’s ever told me “Joni, that was life-changing!” after their first experience. They do talk about being more calm, centered, or peaceful. 🪷

Here’s the thing though, a week later, people tell me they’re feeling calmer. More at peace. Like life just doesn’t stress them out quite as much.

And here’s where the magic happens—after a month of doing this regularly, clients tell me they feel consistently calmer, that life’s challenges don’t rattle them like they used to. And if they do get upset, they find themselves calming down more quickly and easily than ever before.

So right now, ask yourself—when are you going to do this? ⏰

Be specific. Plan for at least four times a day (you can do it more—there’s no way to overdose on calm!).

How are you going to remember? I start the day out with the best intentions and then forget as I get caught up in my day, so I use an app called Life Reminders to keep me on track.

I’d love to hear how this practice works for you.

I believe in you,


You know that behavior, thought or habit that's been bugging you? Joni's been helping people get rid of those since 2009.

Joni Brewer

You know that behavior, thought or habit that's been bugging you? Joni's been helping people get rid of those since 2009.

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