Brewer Hypnosis

Are you tired of those old Behaviors, Beliefs or Habits?

Do they keep you from doing what you want to do?

From being who you really are?

Drop those old things and replace them with feelings of




Change, caterpillar to butterfly

How This Works

Choose whether you want:

  • to be awake and alert for the rest of your day

  • or to sleep peacefully

    Then decide:

  • Voice only

  • Voice with music

  • Voice with river sounds

That's 6 variations of the Unshakeable Confidence Audio for just $17!

Let's Get a Little Information
Here's Your Audio

About Joni

About Joni

As a nurse, anatomy & physiology instructor, massage therapist and now a hypnotist since 2009 I've always loved the brain and how it works.

To bring lasting relief through audios, reaching ever more people, gives me great pleasure.

Please use this audio, it won't do any good sitting in your phone unlistened to. Then let me know about your experience.

Have questions? Contact me here.

Image of Joni Brewer